Caribbean Maritime Issue 25

Issue 25 of Caribbean Maritime is published today and hard copies of the magazine will be available at the CSA’s 14th Caribbean Shipping Executives’ Conference held in Tortola, British Virgin Islands 10-13 May. The Conference will be attended by L&M. View the e-version online.


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Mikutano Issue 23

The latest edition of Mikutano is published today for Nairobi-based client the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC). Mikutano is published bi-annually. View online here.


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Zeeland Seaports Handbook published

The Zeeland Seaports Handbook is published today. Land & Marine has been working with Zeeland Seaports (and its predecessors Havenschap Terneuzen and Havenschap Vlissingen) for over 20 years. You can view the extended e-version online here.


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